LIR Services

PT Lapak Registar Murah offers reliable and affordable Local Internet Registry (LIR) services to help your business secure essential internet resources, including ASN, IPv4, and IPv6 addresses. Our LIR services empower businesses with the necessary tools to manage their internet presence effectively and independently, ensuring seamless connectivity and control over network operations.

We provide Autonomous System Numbers (ASN) that enable businesses to manage their own routing policies independently. This is particularly beneficial for companies operating multi-homed networks or requiring full control over their internet routing. Additionally, we offer IPv4 addresses, which are crucial given the scarcity of IPv4 space. Our allocation ensures stable and reliable network operations, maintaining compatibility with existing devices and infrastructures.

Our LIR services available

RIPE LIR Services

We require a copy of your ID or Company Certificate, Upstream Carrier with AS-Number and eMail as well as an IP prefix you plan to use for the RIPE NCC.
Documents such as Company Certificate. Upstreams MUST be in the RIPE NCC Service region (eg. Europe) and CANNOT be a hourly cloud provider. Prefix MUST be registered to you in the RIPE DB.

APNIC LIR Services

We require a copy of your ID or Company Certificate, Upstream Carrier with AS-Number and eMail as well as an IP prefix you plan to use for the RIPE NCC.
Documents such as Company Certificate. Upstreams MUST be in the RIPE NCC Service region (eg. Europe) and CANNOT be a hourly cloud provider. Prefix MUST be registered to you in the RIPE DB.

* All prices on this table may be different after checkout make sure you to open ticket first for best you need.